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The device instance is made when a scan is performed, and new devices are found.

Main properties

ipstringThe IP of the device.
deviceIDstringThe ID of the device.
modelstringThe model number of the device.
socketSee GoveeReference to socket that found the device. Used internally.
versionsSee versionsObject that contains the hardware and software version numbers.
stateSee stateThe current light state.
actionsSee actionsObject that contains the functions you can use to control the light
updateValuesFunctionFunction to update the state of the light


BLEhardwareThe Bluetooth hardware version number
BLEsoftwareThe Bluetooth software version number
WiFiHardwareThe WiFi hardware version number
WiFiSoftwareThe WiFi software version number


isOnnumber (0-1)1 when light is on, 0 when light is off.
brightnessnumber (0-100)0-100 representing light brightness.
  r: number,
  g: number,
  b: number
RGB object representing the color.
Govee says it ranges from 2000-9000,
but you can set it higher and lower without issues


All actions return a promise, so you can await the acknowledgement.

setColorsee color optionsSet the color of the light.
setBrightnessbrightness: numberSet the brightness of the light.
fadeColorsee fade optionsFade the color or brightness of the light.
setOffNo parametersTurn off the light.
setOnNo parametersTurn on the light.

Fade options

timenumberThe duration (in milliseconds) of the fade.
color (optional)see color optionsTarget color.
brightness (optional)number (0-100)brightness

Color options

HEXstringHex value. Can include a #
RGB[number, number, number]Array of 3 numbers (0-255), representing r, g and b
HSL[number, number, number]Array of 3 numbers (0-255), representing r, g and b
Govee says it ranges from 2000-9000,
but you can set it higher and lower without issues
You only have to define 1 color
If you do define more, only the first one of this list is used:
  1. HSL
  2. RGB
  3. HEX
  4. Kelvin